Friday, December 9, 2011

Assignment #9

(ABBA Rhyme Scheme)

My friends die and they go to hell
     I feel no remorse, no pity
          Others think my methods gritty
               In the abyss they shall dwell

               In my dreams I hear them yell
          Their screams and calls haunt my soul
     I hope I finally reach my goal
Meanwhile, down the well they go

The woman in front of me in the line
     My newest victim caught my eye
          From my hand surely she will die
               If I wanted I could even snap her spine

               The deed is done, her life forsaken
          My latest sacrifice feels relieving
     No doubt her family will be grieving
From her remains I made some bacon

The voices have ceased to command
     It feels like a burden has been lifted
          Perhaps I have finally been gifted
               I now have my own funeral planned

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