Friday, September 9, 2011

Grade 12 - Time Well Spent

Once we reach grade 12, we students are given more and more responsibilities as well as various privileges. In order to further our education, we are given more choices towards what kind of classes we are allowed to enroll in. One of the greatest advantages there is to being in grade 12 is the allowance of a spare. The spare is important asset to grade 12 students for a number of reasons, the main reason being to have extra time to work on long assignments and projects, as well as more time to study for the difficult tests and exams ahead of us. If a student is given the opportunity of having a spare, it is crucial that they don't abuse this power and start slacking off and just taking a free block. The extra time also gives us a moment to relax after listening to dull teacher lectures all day. Additionally, the freedom to be creative and analyze new ways of learning is an incredible way to improve literary skills. In regards to myself, I plan to use my spare as a way to further my goals in English to receive the grade that I truly deserve. Perhaps the most ironic thing is that I am writing this very paragraph in my favorite class: the spare.

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