Friday, September 30, 2011

Assignment #3 -

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked and George realized she was dressed to the nines. Curley's wife blew a gasket when she noticed George staring at her. Curley's wife, who was a few fries short of a happy meal, started to tear him a new asshole because of it. "Don't get your panties in a wad, Why can't we all be as happy as a clam?", George exclaimed. Curley's wife made another fuss; "You drive me up the wall, George!" George tried to cover his ass and tell her that she was crying over spilled milk. In one fell swoop Curley's wife dealt a fatal blow while George had to grin and bear it. After all that jazz George decided to go back to the salt mines.

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