Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Assignment #6 - Effective Imagery

     The old and disgusting hag emerged from the darkness of the night, lighting up a revolting cigarette obviously scavenged from the dumpster nearby. Her old and worn face told a story of its own, wrinkles and leathery-like skin painted a picture of her past. The street on which she lived on, the dirty back alley behind the local liquor store, was a perfect place for her and had everything she needed. She hobbled along, cigarette in one hand, cane in the other. Decrepit and tattered robes is what she wore, along with a head-wrap to keep her warm for the coming winter. The scars were a constant reminder of her major drug use throughout the years. She had no family, no one to take care of her, or anyone that would miss her when she reached her inevitable end. The few memories that she had left were fuzzy and incomplete, like a nearly blind person trying to see without glasses, the only thing she remembered clearly is her childhood from times long passed. The English that she spoke was broken and often didn't make sense, her insane ramblings about "the world coming to an end" took over her decaying sanity; she didn't have much time left.

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