Thursday, October 27, 2011

Assignment #4 - Writing With Dialogue

     "These crossword puzzles are so damn hard!" Ed exclaimed, focusing on the newspaper attentively, pen in hand.
     "How about instead of playing with your stupid little crossword puzzles we do something together?" sneered Olga, his wife. Ed, already frustrated with the puzzle he was working on, was furious with Olga's suggestion.
     "Why the hell do you always have to tell me what to do!?" Ed yelled, "Why don't you just screw off and shut your mouth for five seconds!?" Olga was struck by Ed's response, he never showed such rage.
     "Excuse me!?" Olga replied, "What the hell is wrong with you!?"
     "You heard me Olga! Shut up right now or you'll regret it!"
     "Ed, please stop!" Olga cried.
     Filled with rage, Ed backhanded his wife, "Take that you annoying b*tch! I should have married your sister!"
     Olga ran out of the bedroom and approached the stairs to escape her husband. Ed, not giving up, chased after her and rammed her down the cold, hard steps.
     "I'm so sorry.." Ed mumbled to Olga as she lay at the bottom of the stairs, bleeding to death.
     Olga muttered with her dying breath, "I hope you rot in prison you deadbeat son of a gun." It was only a matter of time until the police showed up, arrested Ed and was sentenced to life in prison.

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